Sunday, August 10, 2014


This is a story of a young independent professional woman, Chloe Mills, who works as an executive assistant to an absolutely gorgeous and rich jerk, Bennett Ryan. As you can guess this is a cat/dog relationship. Something went down (I don't even know how). One thing led to another and the whole thing blows up in their faces.

As an avid reader and someone who respects and gives all genres a fair chance, let me just say that I really did try my best to like this book. It has been getting lots of favorable reviews and rate on the internet so I thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"

Well, first and foremost, I 'll be brave enough to put it out there that Beautiful Bastard does not have enough content to grasp and suck in readers. It is an erotica, and there were sex scenes in just about every other page but sometimes readers want more contents than sex scenes.

I found the story inconsistent as well. Throughout the entire book, the Ryans (Bennett Ryan's family), practically adopted Chloe and are very attached to her but suddenly because of one decision from 2 consensual adults they made a total 180 about their views on Chloe and Bennett.

Also, the names of the supporting characters made me so confuse at first. Later on I found out that this was originally a fan fiction(I'm guessing Twilight by the name references). But come on! Really?! I get it, fan fictions turned books are huge right now but the author could have at least changed their names. The author of Fifty Shades did it. Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper? Are you serious?  This is practically Fifty Shades without the BDSM but at least the author of 50 Shades actually thought of changing their names.

As you guys can tell, it is safe to say that I didn't like it very much, hard as I try. It's just I was really looking forward to reading it that I had high expectations. The book turned out to be a total flop for me, I was really really sad and disappointed. Maybe someone will read this review and would think that I'm absolutely insane for not liking The Beautiful Bastard and that's okay with me. Someone may like it, that's cool too. We all have different taste. I just don't think this is not for me.

For those who are still interested to read the book, there will be at least four main books. 1. The Beautiful Bastard 2. Beautiful Stranger 3. Beautiful Player 4. Beautiful Secret and four novellas. These stories follows different set of characters, Bennett's friends I think although, they were not mentioned in the first book.

Internet Girl

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