Saturday, August 23, 2014

Pre-exam Jitters: Study Tips

Only two months before my dreaded date.

Two months before I take the most important exam in my life so far.

Board exam. Dun-dun-duunnnnnnnn!

I may appear to be nonchalant on the outside but inside, I am a train wreck of nerves. This is my first official big girl exam and a lot of things are going on inside my mind, a lot of fears.

1. Fucking hell, I am not prepared.
Yup. I have two months to review, but there's this one little thing. I work 6 days a week and I am gonna be honest, I am too lazy to study after I get home. Tired from work, all I want to do is climb in bed crank up my laptop and watch funny videos on Youtube. Very. Productive.

But Crys, being ill prepared is your own fault. You could study for a while after work and on Sundays too.
Yes, I admit. I could do that, and believe me when I say I really am trying my very best.

2. What if I fail? I don't want to be a disappointment.
This is probably my biggest fear, disappointing the people around me. How am I going to face them? How will I tell them that I didn't do a good job? Total freak out.

Anyways, enough of my mental breakdown. Like I said I really am trying to prepare. Here are the some of the things I do.

1. I tell myself that freaking out will not solve anything and that I shouldn't stress too much on something I can't control.
Although there is still a rush about the board exam, I refuse to let myself be stressed out about how much time I have left. Because really, counting down until the date will only distract me from my goals and my everyday functioning. Let the date come and what ever happen happens.

2. Be besties with the internet. (I know you already are)
Maximize the use of the interwebs, it's there for a reason, to make things so much easier.
I searched for practice tests on the internet just to see what I do still know and just to refresh those knowledge that are buried deep deep deep deep in my brain. Make sure the tests provide the answer key as well. I suggest you look for a practice test that is separated into specific topics.

Each night I try and answer at least one practice test, if I score high, I will take note of the items that I've got wrong. And if I got a low score I will note that specific topic so that I could spend more time studying it.

3. You're studying, not punishing yourself.
Have really short breaks between studying or even between your practice tests. Mentally and physically forcing yourself to bend over your study materials is what I will consider 'self assault'. Yes, I think I may have invented that term. But anyway, if you force yourself, you'll just hate what you are doing. And if you hate what you're doing then you will most likely not do it again.

4. Lighten up the mood/ environment.
Set up your study space to suit your taste. Use colorful pens to take notes, prepare snacks for you to nibble on while you read, have refreshment, put on music etc. If these things makes you feel good and makes you want to be productive and study, then I say do it! Do whatever it takes to get you through your study session.

Good luck!

Internet Girl

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